Hello Lovely people.

I’m finally getting round to sharing an article I have so long wished for.

First of all,

Court wedding establishes that you are legally bound as so it deserves as much attention as the white and traditional weddings- if not more.
 There are two Federal Marriage Registries in Nigeria at the moment. The Federal Marriage Registry Abuja and the Federal Marriage Registry Lagos both under the Ministry of Interior. (I read a recent WhatsApp broadcast about how  Local Government registry marriages were not real. So shocking! How have we let this go on for so long if these marriages were fake? Nigeria: Another day, another discovery).

Requirement, process and cost implications of getting married at ikoyi registry are not so difficult to comprehend. You will be required to know that; Regular registration at least 2 weeks interval 35000naira

If you want your wedding to be done in 2 days after registration 55000naira the requirements are not special.

They don't allow you to take out form, so be ready to get it, fill it and submit it same day in the same office.

Be-careful of those guys taking pictures, it is, better you go there with your photographer, if not they will delete all pictures taken during wedding if you don't pay them very fast.

What More? You don’t need to break the bank for it! You go to the registry and fill the forms with 2 passports of couple, then pay N1k. After filling the forms in court then you submit them same day and wait for 21 working days(display of couple info in notice-board).

They would calculate the waiting period and then give you your preferred date to come for oath taking. Oath taking is N6k. Then after that you would then choose your wedding date weekdays cheaper than Saturdays which is N2k(weekday)/N5k(weekend i.e. Saturday).
On the wedding day you would be asked to either bring a carton of fruit juice or pay N4k/N5K as the case might be! Try to sweet mouth them and don’t show off too much if you don want to be ripped off *grin.

Also, make sure you bring change on wedding day for offering/celebration for court officials N100/N200 notes will do. DO NOT patronize the photographers they charge so much bring your small camera and a friend can assist with the pics as they do not allow professional photographers/video men.

No point for all these flamboyance if you will still do a white wedding. Flower/bouquets and pin ups will be brandished for you to rent at exorbitant rates(irrelevant too).  

Proper requirements for Ordinary Marriage

2 passport photographs (each)
Photocopy of Birth Certificate/Age Declaration (for both of you)
Sworn Affidavit for (whichever one applies to you)
Bachelorhood or Spinsterhood (You can get that done there for a fee – not more than 1k)
Same Husband/Wife
Single with Child/Children
or, Divorce Paper/Death Certificate for Widow(er).
Payment of NGN 31, 000.  Don’t be deceived though, that place is like a casino, there is something to buy at every point. Oh, there is also someone to settle (well, not settle per se – more like, “api marid laiv o, wash it voh oz“. So, my advice – break your money. Have lesser denominations NGN200, NGN100 etc. to give to these guys.

No fewer than 70 couples, according to findings, exchange marital vows at Ikoyi Marriage Registry every week. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are designated as the main days. The figure could rise to between 100 and 300 during the peak period. This is usually towards the end of the year. Each ceremony usually lasts between five and 10 minutes.
Despite the show of class and obvious disparity in status, everyone at the registry is treated equally.

The Process:

Stage 1 – Oath Taking

After submitting all the documents, You are required to bring 2 Biros and NGN 500 (for a photograph you may never see and no sir, you cannot bring your own photog for Oath Taking, it has to be one of theirs). If you do not have a biro, no problem! You can buy from a vendor at the court for NGN100. Oh, did I tell you that once you sign the biro(s) or pen(s) become theirs? Recycled sales, so amazing! Why is the Oath Taking necessary? – You swear that all the information provided by you with regards to the marriage are all valid and not falsified and you pick your court wedding date.
 Stage 2 – Wedding Day

Dress Code

Men: Suit, Shirt and Tie – N.B. The tie is compulsory. You have to wear it or they will not let you in.

Women: Skirt/Trouser Suit or Dress

Other Requirements

Wedding Ring(s)/Bible/Quran

2 Witnesses
Happy married life!


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